Many of us love to watch YouTube Videos. In fact, we are hitting this site to learn anything new these days. It is true that learning from videos is much easier as against learning from texts. If you are a frequent viewer of YouTube videos, you might have come across intro to the videos. This intro is called as YouTube Intro. Is intro that much important for a video on YouTube? Let us find out here:

Importance of YouTube Intros:

If you plan to use YouTube videos as a marketing tool for your business, it is highly important that you should do something to hook your viewers and attract the viewers to your videos. This is what an intro can do for you. Yes, it is highly important that the intro to your video should be attractive and be engaging for the viewers. They should be motivated to view the video and this effect should be created by the intro for YouTube videos that you use.

The intro should give you viewers genuine reasons to watch it until the end. It is the excellent place to showcase your brand and who you are. Also, your potential customers should know everything about your business from the intro. Even though it is something easy to say, but let me tell you one thing: It is not that much easy to do. Investing some quality time and resources will help you with creating great intros that will stand out.

In case, you manage to bring together an excellent intro with a beguiling and appealing story that has good value in the eyes of the viewers, I am sure your videos will be shared a lot. The result will be that more viewers will be attracted to your videos and they will get to know more about your company, your product or your service.

Short tips to create intro for YouTube videos:

Here is a short list of tips that will help you with creating killer YouTube intro:

  • The intro should be short and it should not take more than 5 seconds for the visitors to read.
  • Branding of intro will be possible by including your logo, or your slogan.
  • You should give a clear idea to your visitors about who you are and what you offer.
  • The visitors should get an idea of what they can expect or the type of knowledge they will gain after watching the whole motion picture.

Detailed tips for creating killer YouTube Intro:

As you are looking for some useful and detailed ideas for creating YouTube intros that will grab the attention of your viewers and that will increase conversions for your business, read on to learn more:

Keep it simply silly:

You can easily remember this formula by remembering the word KISS. To keep your intro short, it is important that you should keep it simple. A good intro should focus on the following points:

  • The issue: Address the issue faced by your customers
  • The solution: Tell them that your video gives an excellent solution to the issue
  • How it works: Also tell them that the video explains how to use the solution
  • A call of action: Remember to add a short call of action like you can tell your viewers what to do next.

Ask a question:

When you ask questions, you can keep your readers thinking. When the visitors think about what you are asking them, they are actually engaged by your questions. If you post them right, questions can turn out to be the elixir in identifying and meeting the requirements of your audience in the right manner. But, remember that you should not insult their intelligence in anyways.

How about invoking a controversy?

As you know, people always love controversies. When you make your videos on controversial topics that people love and hate, it will really attract crowd. For instance, when your videos are about religion, some people might like your videos, while some group will have a disliking. Similarly, body weight, money and politics are always topics that generate crowd. But, remember that they should link to your business in some way or another. Remember that your intro should tell your viewers that there is some controversial content inside, such that they will be enticed to see the video until the end. But, remember such content should actually be present in your video and you should not try to deceive the visitors just to make them view your video.

Open with wise words or quotes:

You can begin your intro with a small and attractive quote from a popular personality. When the personality is an individual, who made a difference in the community, the quote will truly attract visitors to your video. You can also use metaphors, anecdotes, and analogies that are equally effective in pulling crowds.

Begin with an USP:

Do you know what USP is? It is nothing, but the short form for Unique Selling Proposition. Keyword stuffing is not going to help anymore these days. Your readers look for quality content and also they do not show interest to read long paragraphs. Just make it short and whatever you wish to say, share it quickly. Let your readers know, why they should listen you and not your competitors.

Use the best YouTube Intro Maker:

Rather than sitting on your own and creating intros, you can rely on the excellent tool called as Introcave. You can get numerous templates from this site. More importantly, they are attention-grabbers. Also, you can rely on this user-friendly website to create attractive intros without any delay. The customizable YouTube intro templates will make the job easier for you in creating intros that take your business rightly to the target market. This youtube intro maker will make your intro-creation process highly simple.


Just use these strategies and let your intros turn out to be leads to your videos. The videos, in turn, will attract more target audience, who will turn out to be long-term customers for your business.